Artist Dylan Kingsley has shared with us some of his exciting and unique works of art. He used the Darklight FX liquid blacklight reactive dye / paint in the artwork featured below.
These mesmerizing designs were created by Kingsley who uses a variety of techniques and materials including watercolor washes and natural pigments. Here the glowing fluorescent, blacklight reactive effects of the liquid blacklight dye make chosen elements in his work glow as if they were enchanted with magic. Kingsley uses the glowing liquid UV paint often bordered and enhanced by bold black lines that give structure to the artwork. In other places the surface of the paper is allowed to remain partially visible. Watercolor washes are used to create a glowing texture in some elements that is both mystical and ancient.
In Progress & Completed Artwork
Below are several photos showing different views of one of Kingsley’s blacklight dye paintings. The first photo is work in progress. The second photo is the finished piece under regular light (no blacklight.) The last photo is the finished artwork under a blacklight. You can click on the images for a larger view.
Words of the Artist
“I’ve spent years experimenting with natural pigments and implementing them with my watercolor washes for really unique effects with colors and textures that are an experience in person. While building a repertoire of skills including hyperrealism and a personal triumph in a self portrait honored in an exhibition at the Denver Museum of Art for a scholastics award.
I incorporate multiple finale watercolor pigments with natural substances like coffee, salt, alcohol, mimosa, hibiscus, and blood to give it a perspective all its own and have experience with sacred geometry and sigil and language work from many sources from the past and study.
I believe Magick is alive and all around us and hope to show that in my work”
– Dylan Kingsley
How to Create Glowing Blacklight Effects in Your Artwork
A variety of methods can be used to create similar designs with the Darklight FX Liquid Blacklight Dye. Each artist will pull from their unique experiences, talents, and intent, to take ideas from their imagination and give them life in the world, however some tips on techniques can be a helpful way to get started.
You may want to start with some white, heavy-weight watercolor paper. Like most watercolor paintings you will generally often want to tape, staple, or otherwise secure the paper onto a hard, flat surface. Without doing this, when the paper gets wet then dries it may curl up a bit. Heavy weight paper (for example 300 lb.) helps reduce this.
Blacklight Watercolor Painting Methods:
Some possible methods could include a light sketch on white paper in pencil to first lay out your design. Then turn out the lights, turn on a nearby blacklight and lay down some washes of color with the liquid blacklight dye and a watercolor brush. You can experiment with different methods of applying the blacklight paint / dye. For example, wet the paper first with only water, then drip, splatter, or brush the paint and let it spread out into its own designs. Dropping salt or other materials on the painting while still wet can also create some interesting textures.
Then, let the paper dry for several hours. Once the paper is not cool or damp to the touch it should be fully dry. You can then draw or paint in outlines to add structure and detail. Some things that might work well for this are black markers, sharpies, brush ink pens, calligraphy pens, or simply black paint on a brush. Try using a variety of very thick and thin lines.

Darklight FX Liquid Blacklight Reactive Dye / Paint. Available now in our store! Choose from 7 colors or the full set!
Liquid Blacklight Paint / Dye Product Tips
A blacklight is required for this product to glow (fluoresce.) We recommend a good quality fluorescent tube blacklight as your blacklight light source. LED, CFL, and incandescent blacklights may give lesser results.
A white, absorbent surface should be used with the Liquid Blacklight Dye/Paint. Watercolor paper, regular paper, and most absorbent fabrics will work. Dark colored surfaces will generally block the fluorescent glowing effect.
Follow the Artist: Dylan Kingsley
We would like to extend our thanks again to Dylan Kingsley who was kind enough to share his artwork and words with us. These are some truly impressive works of art that seem to be alive with magic. If you’d like to contact the talented artist Dylan Kingsley or follow him on social media to see more of his work, you can find more on Facebook and Instagram.
The photos and artwork featured in this article are © Dylan Kingsley.
Comments 5
Wow that’s a great use for your UV dye!! I just ordered mine. Can’t wait to play around with that salt technique. Thanks Darklight fx. You guys rock!
can this paint be bought in gallons?
We currently offer two sizes of the liquid blacklight dye / paint: a standard 2/3 oz. size (which you see in some of the photos in this article) and a large 4 oz. size. Here is the link to the blacklight dye in our store:
Hello! What size of paint/dye would be needed to dye a L or XL size shirt or button up???
Hi, we would probably recommend 2-3 of the standard size bottles of dye or one of the large 4 oz. bottles, and starting with the “Alien Green” color dye. You can test to see what works best for you. Be sure to read the tips and instructions for using this on fabric in the product description. Some colors and fabrics may not give good results. For example starting with the green color dye and using thin, white, absorbent fabric is recommended. Thanks for the question!